A little brag moment about a very special friend of ours, Chloe from Chloe Potter Yoga!
We were fortunate to meet Chloe about 5 years ago when our bodies were telling us we needed to focus on some time for stretching. Chloe came highly recommended from mutual friends and we were not disappointed. Let me tell you, at first the classes were not pretty, it felt like pure torture for us Yoga novices but over time, with Chloe’s patience and persistence we started to feel the benefits. Our improved flexibility helped with our training, our mental health and our general wellbeing.
Did you know that she specialises in many areas such as being a Yoga Instructor, acquiring a Bachelor of Arts Dance, Master Fitness Trainer, Health & lifestyle coordinator and so much more!
With recently becoming an ambassador for @buddahwear & @inner_ego which both suit her lifestyle perfectly, Chloe believes in becoming the best version of health.
Another love of Chloe’s is her passion for tasty, healthy and affordable food - need a cafe recommendation, Chloe is the girl to go to. There are whispers of a cooking workshop coming soon - stay tuned......
We feel very proud and honoured to say Chloe has gone from yoga teacher to a very special friend - check her out for yourself!
Have a scroll through her Instagram @chloepotteryoga for awesome pics!
Jenny, Cassie and Madi